Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 2021.61

Extension point diffDisplay


A diffDisplay contribution defines which diffBlocks will be
displayed in the document diff view for a given
document type.
The order matters.

If the 2 diffed documents have the same type, the diffDisplay matching this type is used, otherwise or if such a diffDisplay does not exist, the default diff display is used. The default diff display takes into account every different field of every common schema between the compared documents, in an undefined order.

    <diffDisplay type="File">
            <diffBlock name="dublincore"/>
            <diffBlock name="files"/>
    <diffDisplay enabled="false" type="Note"/>

Contribution Descriptors

  • Class: org.nuxeo.ecm.diff.service.impl.DiffDisplayDescriptor

Existing Contributions

Contributions are presented in the same order as the registration order on this extension point. This order is displayed before the contribution name, in brackets.

  • nuxeo-diff-jsf-2021.61.12.jar /OSGI-INF/diff-display-contrib.xml
    <extension point="diffDisplay" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.diff.service.DiffDisplayService">
        <diffDisplay type="Folder">
            <diffBlock name="dublincore"/>
        <diffDisplay type="File">
            <diffBlock name="dublincore"/>
            <diffBlock name="files"/>
        <diffDisplay type="Note">
            <diffBlock name="dublincore"/>
            <diffBlock name="note"/>
            <diffBlock name="files"/>